发布:2023-06-05 04:31:13 分类:留学知识 点击:1000 作者:管理员
Part 1
- 1. Elephant
- 2. 17 High Street
- 3. Monday
- 4. Yellow
- 5. 20
Part 2
- 6. B
- 7. E
- 8. G
- 9. A
- 10. C
Part 3
- 11. communication
- 12. diary
- 13. customer
- 14. computer
- 15. art
Part 4
- 16. Ironbridge
- 17. Glass
- 18. temperature
- 19. Rionet
- 20. gardening
Passage 1
- 21. A
- 22. E
- 23. F
- 24. B
- 25. C
- 26. A
- 27. C
Passage 2
- 28. No
- 29. Not given
- 30. Yes
Passage 3
- 31. H
- 32. C
- 33. A
- 34. E
- 35. B
- 36. D
- 37. F
Task 1: Environmental problems caused by pollution and damage to the natural environment are becoming more and more severe. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures can be taken to solve them?
The environment has been the topic of conversation in various communities across the globe. This is not due to advancement in technological or architectural areas that has led to environmental changes which have not always been positive. Human beings continue to look for quick and easy ways of doing issues that might either positively or negatively affect the environment. Human activities coupled with the advancement of industries have heightened the level of pollution, which has led to environmental problems.
There are various causes of pollution, which could be the artifacts of hominid activities. Human beings have not taken responsibility for their careless attitude, such as dumping garbage on the streets and engaging in open waste burning, thus affecting the natural environment. The industries that create a significant percentage of environmental pollution also share the responsibility for such pollution.
Several measures can be taken to address the challenges currently faced in the environment, which includes attitudinal changes in the hominid activities. People’s engagement in activities that support the care of the environment such as properly disposing of waste are essential. Sustainable ways of production such as the use of biodegradable materials should be encouraged. Industries should also incorporate environmental-friendly production processes that do not generate hazardous substances or chemicals. The involvement of key stakeholders such as the government, civil society, and the private sector can lead to a convergence of opinions towards environmental protection. Campaigns with massive public awareness such as emphasizing the 3Rs of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle can go a long way in promoting environmental care.
Task 2: Some people think social media should be banned from the workplace. Others think it allows communication to continue even when people are not together. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
The advent of the internet and social media has made the world a global village. Social media has become a critical part of the modern-day economic, political, and social sectors. With this integration, social media has found its way into workplaces with its use becoming popular among employees. However, the use of social media in the workplace has remained to be a controversial topic. While some people believe that social media should be banned from workplaces, others argue that social media enables communication to progress even when individuals are not in the same location.
Those who believe that social media should be banned from workplaces argue that the practice is disruptive and promotes time wastages. In addition, the use of social media leads individuals to have divided attention and takes away the ability to work productively. However, those who support the use of social media argue that it is beneficial and enables individuals to stay connected with colleagues who might not be physically present. The use of social media also enables workers to collaborate easily saving time, effort, and boosting productivity.
In my view, social media should not be entirely banned from workplaces. People should find a balance between getting their work done and personal communication. Social media should be used strictly for work purposes during official working hours to avoid wasting time and disorienting workers from their work goals. Firms should incorporate social media policies that emphasize the responsible use of the platforms by employees. In conclusion, banning social media entirely from workplaces might put employees at a disadvantage as it limits their ability to stay connected and exchange ideas with colleagues.
本次雅思口语分为三个部分,其中Part 1是基础问答,Part 2是一个大主题的演讲,Part 3则是更深入的讨论,下面分别给出范文参考。
Part 1
1. What do you do for a living?
I currently work as an English teacher at a local high school teaching both written and spoken English to students
Part 2
Describe a time you gave advice to someone.
The time I gave advice to someone was when my cousin approached me on how best to deal with half-heartedness in her relationship with her partner. I advised her to have a heart to heart conversation with her partner to either reignite the fire of the relationship or call it a day.
Part 3
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country
The advantages of studying in a foreign country are that individuals have the chance to broaden their knowledge, encounter new cultures, improve languages proficiency, and increase opportunities for future careers. Additionally, the different campus structure, campus community, subjects offered, and modes of delivery are a unique experience for foreign students compared to their home countries.
On the other hand, studying abroad has also its challenge. The transition from the familiar to the unfamiliar can be overwhelming. Some students feel homesick and struggle to adapt to the new culture, food, and style of living. The cost of studying abroad is also high, and it is unlikely that foreign students will qualify for scholarships or financial aids. In addition, foreign students face visa issues, unsure of the immigration policies and requirements in the country they want to study.